The concept of sustainability is an indispensable part of Varus. We incorporate our efforts for environmental care in all processes, from purchase of raw materials to optimizing processes in waste management. This is confirmed with certification of the Environmental Management System in accordance with the international ISO 14001. Our impact to the environment has been minimised and we continuously work on its improvement. We are spreading the same efforts in all communication with our partners and clients, thus influencing on the increase of the general awareness.

As a part of the broader surrounding and society, we cooperate with different Civil Society Organisations, assisting them to accomplish our common goals and priorities. In that respect, we remain entirely open for support of all sincere initiatives and projects, which, directly or indirectly, give contribution in continuous sustainable development, by means of raising the general awareness and providing assistance of a different kind.

All ou r facilities, resources and experts, can be put at your disposal for projects that will give valuable contribution for the improvement of living conditions, more efficient usage of natural resources, innovations and their implementation in new fields and concepts.

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